I have never quite understood why people always gripe about holiday gift shopping. I’ve never really minded it—my budget always has. I thought right about now would be a good time to do a post about this, unless you’re like me and finished gift shopping before Thanksgiving 😉
The Ladies of Your Life
Every woman needs a little help now and again. I think those are what make the perfect gifts—the necessities. Often, because women don’t buy them for themselves, I love gifting sets like these 1. Braza’s Ultimate Diva Kit, shown with Hanky Panky panties, silicone pasties, and double sided fashion tape, and 3. RSession’s Pin Up Girl Kit because girlfriends always love to tell you when they’re using an item! They’re gifts that never go to waste 🙂 And what’s better than that? Ooh, but there’s more: 2. I am a HUGE fan of magazines—I want to go into publishing after all! My favorite is Harper’s Bazaar, but Glamour and Self don’t fall too far behind. Cosmo is shown because I have a few girlfriends who are devout fans. If you have a girlfriend, and know she loves a particular glossy, get her a subscription—you’ll save her money from every $3.99 purchase at CVS she makes monthly, 4. Gift sets from Sephora (read next paragraph) are perfect. Divided by price range on their website, you can find one for nearly any gal pal you’ve got. 5. Minimergency kit. These little pouches are literally no bigger than 4″x1.5″x2″ and contain 16 safety measures for all of life’s mini emergencies.
When it comes to women, there are simply far too many options to choose from when gift shopping! For family members it tends to be a little easier than friends: they’re the ones who you’ve literally grown up with—mom + sis should be the first ones scratched off your list (I’ll cut you some slack if dad + bro take a bit more effort). It’s holiday shopping for girlfriends that always gets me: everyone is so different. One likes sports, one likes nails and everything that glitters, one likes Hello Kitty, one likes music…needless to say, shopping for friends never happens all in one place. However, a little magic that I’ve grown to love is the diversity you can find in any Sephora. There’s something for the beauty queen, something for the Hello Kitty lover, and even something for the tomboy.
The Men in Your Life
There are so many options when shopping for a guy. These gifts above are primarily suited towards your boyfriends or brothers. 1. If your guy likes to dress a bit spiffy then these items are key: interestingly designed money clip (this one is from Coach), Ray Ban Clubmaster sunglasses, a luxe dopp kit for traveling (this one is from Coach), cuff links, a new cologne, a high-polish flask, or a handsome watch. 2. If your guy wants to catch up on some reading, or he tends to come home with a store-bought issue of his favorite magazine—get him a subscription! 3. Dress him warmly with a quilted puffer vest, knitted scarf and gloves. Make sure to stay warm from the inside out with the help of the small polished flask! 4. Does he take pride in having people over and lounging in the living room over a couple of drinks? Make his bar set a bit more legit with a glass decanter, whiskey rocks, glasses, and maybe even a bottle of his favorite drink. 5. Make his man cave more adored with leather coasters. [Note: He may yell and say “Men don’t use coasters!”, and you will respond “They do in my home.”] What man cave is complete without a cigar book? A “Stuff Every Man Should Know” book? A “Rebel Style” coffee table book? That’s what I thought.
For the Hostess of Your Evening
I am a firm believer in the “Never Show Up Empty-Handed” rule to holiday events, and what hostess of any soirée wouldn’t want a lil’ something for welcoming you into their home for the evening? I’ve included some of the most useful housewarming gifts a guest could give, in my opinion 🙂 1. A useful serve ware dish that she could put into use at that very party. I’ve included a 6-person vodka glass set, perfect for shooters with friends. Below that is a textured, long, glass narrow platter ideal for small finger foods and munchies. 2. If you’re not feeling like bringing a gift, bring an appetizer or a dessert! I showed marinated olives, but those are just a favorite finger food of mine. 3. You know there will be wine served during the party, and if the hostess is lucky there may even be some left over! Just in case, these Rabbit wine stoppers are my favorite (my mom turned me on to them!). 4. If you’re feeling like putting those stoppers to use, why not also bring a bottle of wine? Your friend will appreciate the contribution to the evening and you get to drink what you like! Also included is a limited edition packaging of a fine whiskey (if you roll like that) 5. Always charming, a tad funny, and will definitely be used—an adorable apron. Not only is this particular one festive with the red and white, but once the holidays are over, think of it as a 1950’s pinup look with the polka dots, halter strap, and sweetheart neckline. Cah-yute! 6. Maybe it’s just because I’m a complete and utter tea addict (fun fact), but I think it is totally appropriate to give a nice high quality tea and/or maybe a cute tea cup + saucer set. You’ll want to have tea time so much more often! 7. Again, useful gifts that can be used at the party: a modern wooden salad bowl and matching utensils. 8. Candles. Unless you’re not a fan of candles, buy her a candle. Either something seasonal (think warm, vanilla, amber, hazelnut, or clean + refreshing like tea, jasmine, and violette. Once you get into fruit scent territory is where some people’s scent preferences kick in. 9. Orchids are such beautiful plants and are the perfect kitchen plants (granted the kitchen has a sun-facing window). If not in the kitchen, then in her office. 10. Chic stationary. Women love to express themselves, and instead of a generic flower design, why not get a fashion illustration? I found this one shown above here on society6.
My Christmas Wish List
I try to be strategic in my Christmas Wish List every year. I plan for weeks months in advance because 9 times outta 10, my size will be sold out by November 1st. This year I’m looking to invest in a few staple pieces since I will be needing to dress like more of a “real person” come May. Ha! 1. Cute work attire. A dress from Mango, a contrast blouse from Zara, and a voluminous sleeved shirt from Mango. 2. Cute-er yoga threads and yoga mat disinfectant. I primarily work out in my living room—prettier bra + leggings would be much more motivating at 7:00a.m. than my oversized sweatpants and Brooklyn t-shirt. 3. I like to read up on books of interest during my Winter Break, since I have no room for leisure reading during my normal semester. Here I’ve asked for Parisian Chic: A Style Guide by Ines de la Fressange and I Love Your Style by Amanda Brooks. 4. Casual wear! A highly textured chunky knit sweater, moto boots, a sweater dress, a coated denim shirt (the leather look without the leather), and a denim shirt. All simple and interchangeable, some can even be worn as work attire. 5. Upgrading and expanding my nail polish collection. The dark and nude shades are normal in my nail repertoire, but I would LOVE to get my hands on the center color by Chanel.
What is on your Christmas Wish List?
1 comment
Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend firnigug this one out!