Courtesy of the staff at Harper’s Bazaar:
A Détacher: ah day-tah-shay
Acne: ahk-nay
Alber Elbaz: ahl-bear el-bahz
Alexandre Vauthier: ah-lex-ahn-der voh-tee-ay
Andrew Gn: an-drew jin
Anya Hindmarch: ahn-yuh hind-marsh
Aquilano Rimondi: ah-kwi-lahn-doh rim-ohn-dee
Behnaz Sarafpour: ben-ahz sar-uh-for
Bibhu Mohapatra: bee-booh mo-ahh-pat-rah
Bouchra Jarrar: boo-shra jahr-arr
Burberry Prorsum: burr-behr-ee prohr-sum
Carven: cahr-vehn
Costella Tagliapietra: coh-stell-oh tag-lee-ah-pee-ay-troh
Cushnie et Ochs: cuh-sh-nee eht ocks
Elie Saab: ee-lee sahb
Emanuel Ungaro: ee-man-you-el oon-gar-oh
Erdem Moragliou: air-dem more-ah-glee-uh
Ermenegildo Zegna: ehr-men-e-jil-doh zayn-yah
Etro: eht-ro
Guillame Henry: gee-ohm ahn-ree
Hedi Slimane: ed-ee slim-ahn
Issa: ee-sah
Issey Miyake: ee-say mee-ah-kay
Kirna Zabête: keer-nah zah-bet
Maiyet: may-et
Maje: mahj
Nicholas Ghesquière: nee-coh-la guess-k-yair
Ralph Lauren: ralf lor-en
Rei Kawakubo: ray cow-uh-kooh-bo
Sacai: suh-kai
Schiaparelli: skyap-uh-rell-ee
Thierry Mugler: tee-air-ee mu-glare
TSE: say
Ulyana Sergeenko: uhl-yahn-uh s-air-jane-koh
Vika Gazinskaya: vee-kah gahv-in-skee-yah
Vionnet: vee-oh-nay
Yigal Azrouël: yig-ahl ahz-roo-el
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