How-to: Downsize Your Wardrobe

Since graduating college 34 days ago, I’ve already managed to go through a minor identity crisis. I found myself blankly staring at my closet the other day, utterly uninspired. It dawned on me that the clothes I’ve had for the past four years of my life seem almost like a time capsule of undergrad. It’s […]

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Wear Now vs. Wear Later

Since tomorrow’s holiday always presents us with an unknown, I figured I’d take the guess-work out of your wardrobe in case we have an additional 6 weeks of winter. Today’s post gives you two options for each outfit: a “wear now” and a “wear later”. Think of it more as a “wear if we have […]

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How-To: Dressing for Plans After Work

It’s just another day at the office: you arrive at 9a.m., you go to meetings and respond to emails for the better half of your morning. With your energy level in a slump, you’re about to grab lunch at your local favorite spot when a coworker giddily approaches you for an invite to tonight’s festivities […]

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