…It could inspire others.
That’s the quote I’ve been operating on, but I’ve held off on posting this because I’m still working to get over how self conscious I am…*deep breath* reminder to self: this info could potentially help others… I recently posted the below photo in December 2018 on my personal account (@julia_rhault) – it may seem flashy and confident, but woah mama that’s the least makeup I’ve worn in a selfie photo…ever. I was so damn happy I couldn’t not share it. ⠀
Flashback to 2016 (two bottom pics) – ⠀
Left: with sensitive skin you don’t always know the reactions your skin will have – this was one morning during my clear skin journey that I woke up to big red splotches on my face. I had no idea what caused them or how to get rid of them…and at the time I was working at a skincare brand so it was less than ideal to say the least lol⠀
Right: Also during my acne journey I would trial and error new products, working to get more and more towards clean beauty and natural formulations vs derm prescribed Rx and harsh formulas which were making it worse. This particular photo was during the time when I was using a highly fragranced line of skincare…and this is how my skin reacts to fragrance: tears of pimples ?. Top off that moment in time with a super stressful office environment, stress from planning my wedding, stressed out eating habits, and you have yourself a recipe for angry skin.⠀